HDM, Inc./SuperFabric in United States

HDM, Inc./SuperFabric in United States is a fabric supplier, that provides the following products: Knit - Circular. Below you can also find HDM, Inc./SuperFabric's contact data and additional information, if you are searching for B2B contacts in the apparel industry.

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HDM, Inc./SuperFabric
HDM, Inc./SuperFabric

HDM, Inc./SuperFabric

United States

Key facts

Fabric types:
Knit - Circular



SuperFabric® all started because of a simple question: “Can a glove be created that will stop a medical needle or surgical knife?” Four months after Dr. Young-Hwa Kim was posed with this seemingly impossible notion, he had conceived how to create such a glove, and SuperFabric® was begun in 1996. With this industry-first product, Higher Dimension Materials, Inc. (HDM, Inc.) was founded. Since then, SuperFabric® materials have been adapted for uses in industrial, safety, sporting, clothing, and military applications, just to name a few. Performance is enhanced through the configuration of tiny plates which provide resistance to a variety of harsh elements. SuperFabric® centers around a technology that creates a foundation on which an almost unlimited variety of SuperFabric® materials is created. Fabrics that are performance oriented with an vast array of design and aesthetic options. Customers love the off-the-shelf availability for most needs, coupled with design options such as colors and patterns for more creative needs. SuperFabric® materials share a common performance pedigree and provide durability, abrasion resistance, breathability and stain resistance in unique patterns and design. Since each material brings an exacting design and functionality, each SuperFabric® material will have varying levels of performance compared with other SuperFabric® materials. SuperFabric® look at the impact of manufacturing and not just the end product as we consider the impact on the environment. SuperFabric® uses a base fabric and then adds protective plating (guard plates) to the material. The guard plates (epoxy) and process, are very environmentally friendly as no VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) are produced, no water used, and no phthalates are used. Low Byproducts produced Solvent free curing No VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) No Phthalates No water is used in the processing of SuperFabric®. Disposable *ANTIMIROBIAL (Am99™ and AmFr™ lines.) SuperFabric® in the Am99™ or AmFr™ family of products is highly effective at killing viruses, bacteria, and other microbes on its surface. The antimicrobial efficiency remains the same even after many cycles of washing and drying. Antimicrobial efficiency was tested and certified by the world-renown laboratories of TUV-SUD in 2016 and 2019. Today, SuperFabric® brand materials are used in hundreds of applications throughout the world. Ongoing innovations in performance, colors, design, and applications, continue to expand the integration of SuperFabric® into product solutions we can all be proud of. *The AmFr™ line has many potential applications that need both fire/flame resistant materials and microbial resistance on top of the usual SuperFabric® properties such as durability, stain resistance, slash resistance, quick drying, etc. This includes markets such as mass transit (airplane, bus, and train seating), military, covers and more. Our knowledgeable sales staff is ready to answer your questions. www.superfabric.com and contact us today for more information info@superfabric.com.

Key facts






Revenue / Year


Yearly production



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Production countries

United States

Main export countries
New Zealand
North America
MexicoUnited StatesCanada


An overview of all products and their production percentage

Fabric types

Fabric sub-types

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570 Hale Ave N. St. Paul,
Zip code:
United States
570 Hale Ave N. St. Paul,
Zip code:
United States


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