Şirikçioğlu Mensucat in Turkey is a fabric supplier, that provides the following products: Woven - Denim, Woven - Other. Below you can also find Şirikçioğlu Mensucat's contact data and additional information, if you are searching for B2B contacts in the apparel industry.
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We are fabric/weaving company for denim and nondenim fabric. We are producing denim fabrics 10.000.000 meters per month and 1.000.000 meters non denim fabrics per month. We have more than 3.000 articles about denim and non denim side. And also we are producing 10.300 ton yarn per month. -4.500 ton Ring production as Carded, Combed and Compact. From this Ring production we can produce with Slub, Core Spun, Core Spun with Slub and different varieties of yarns. - 4.500 ton Open-End Yarn production per month, -1.200 ton Texture Polyester and 300 ton Poy production per month. You can find our certificates below; -OEKO-TEX STANDART 100 -BETTER COTTON INITIATIVE -ORGANIC CONTENT STANDARD (OCS) -GLOBAL ORGANIC STANDARD (GOTS) -GLOBAL RECYCLE STANDARD (GRS) -RECYCLED CONTENT STANDARD (RCS) -STEP ( SUSTAINABLE TEXTILE PRODUCTION) -COTTON USA -ISO 14001 ÇEVRE YÖNETİM SİSTEMİ -ISO 45001 İŞ SAĞLIĞI VE GÜVENLİĞİ YÖNETİM SİSTEMİ -ISO 50001 ENERJİ YÖNETİM SİSTEMİ -ISO 9001 KALİTE YÖNETİM SİSTEMİ
Revenue / Year
Yearly production
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An overview of all products and their production percentage
Fabric types
Fabric sub-types
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