Fov Fabrics AB in Sweden is a fabric supplier, that provides the following products: Woven - Other, Non-Woven - Isolation. Below you can also find Fov Fabrics AB's contact data and additional information, if you are searching for B2B contacts in the apparel industry.
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THIS IS FOV We manufacture all our products in our factory in Sweden. In order to deliver top service and quality the production is vertically integrated including warping, weaving, dyeing, finishing, coating, laminating, printing and quality control. Vertical integration ensures complete control of all important parameters, resulting in the production of first-grade products. In addition, by keeping our entire manufacturing process in-house, we minimize transportations and, as a result, reduce our manufacturing footprint. This is all driven by true Swedish team spirit. CUSTOMER-DRIVEN BUSINESS SYSTEM At FOV, we always focus on the customer’s requirements and needs. In this way, we have a customer-driven business system where we always ask ourselves what the customer wants. In order to do this, we adhere to the principles of stable processes, flow efficiency, well-organized workplaces, and the challenging of the future. Stable processes are a necessity to be able to deliver products and services that meet the customer’s needs; that is, the right product and the right amount at the right time. For an optimal result, stable processes require reliable equipment, the right input data, as well as competent and responsible personnel who perform their work in the best possible way. With stable processes, work simply becomes easier and better. To create high customer value, we work with flow-efficient processes. All initiated and ongoing assignments are handled quickly and the value-creation time is high in relation to the lead time. We also work with visual, well-organized workplaces. Through daily staff meetings, we ensure that everyone knows what to do as well as is given the opportunity to raise issues and questions, participate in decision making, gain recognition of good performance, and get general information about the company. Adhering to these principles, we give ourselves and our clients optimal opportunities to challenge the future and actively work toward a vision zero regarding negative environmental impact – and in the long run, to contribute to an even positive impact on the environment. Our aim is to be your partner and supplier of choice, this makes us go the extra mile for you.
Revenue / Year
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An overview of all products and their production percentage
Fabric types
Fabric sub-types
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********Number of machines
Washing / TreatmentsProvider
********Number of machines
********Number of machines
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